wake up early 5amEverybody is conscious about the importance of a good night’s rest. Enjoying a restful sleep is probably as important as to get your day going before everyone else. There are countless theories about how to incorporate waking up early as part of your routine. But before we can answer that question, we must ask what do I do waking up earlier than everyone else? For starters, meditate, exercise, and organize your day.

Here’s what leadership guru Robin Sharma says about the habit of waking up early: “You might say getting up early is not really relevant to you and yet if I look at the best of the best, whether it’s in business, in science, in the arts, in sports, these are people who have trained their brains to show up and discipline. And getting up early is not only an incredible competitive advantage because most of your competitors are asleep, but getting up early is a great gift to give yourself. You get more life”.

I’ve taking Robin’s advise to heart. Although it has taken me a bit of time to get accustomed to become an early riser, I now use the early morning hours to train my body to become the best masters athlete in my sport. Once I get my training done, I can happily move on with my work day. I’ve found that working out first thing in the morning makes me more alert. In addition, my productivity has sky rocketed, and my colleagues have noticed that I’m also much more motivated.

According to Harvard biologist Christoph Randler, early risers are happier and more proactive. In his research, published the Journal of Applied Social Psychology, he states: “early risers tend to get better grades in school, which gets them into better colleges which then leads to better job opportunities. Morning people also anticipate problems and try to minimize them. They’re proactive”.


As I stated at the beginning of this article, there are many theories that suggest how to create the habit of waking up early. Going back to Robin Sharma, on his blog, he has shared 5 tips on how to wake up early. These are:

1. Get Fit

2. Every Single Week Get A Massage

3. Eat Less Food – Don’t Eat After 8pm

4. In The Morning Write In A Journal

5. Learn to Find Ways To Love Your Current Job

I’ve also learnt to give this list my personal touch. That being said, here’s what I added to Robin’s list:

A) Pray

B) Stretch Your Body to Improve Circulation

C) Visualize To Achieve Your Life Goals

Secrets of Waking Up Early – Conclusions

In this day and age, we all are very busy with matters of work, family, friends. It’s important to get your day going early to open up time, later in the day, to dedicate to our significant others. The suggestions expressed on this article I have personally incorporated into my life. They have greatly contributed to the successes I have been experiencing in my personal and professional lives. Become and early riser, it will be one of the best decisions you make for success and having a great life.

As a parting gift, I’d like to share with you a short video of Robin Sharma, where he speaks about the benefits of waking up early. I wish you much success and a wonderful productive life.


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